Embed code for booking form
Mayank Mayur
Hope you're doing well.
Your feature request seems to be a bit unclear at the moment.
If you are referring to adding your Titan email account on The website contact form, you can do that swiftly.
Please reach out to us on support@titan.email for this query and we shall help you resolve it as soon as possible.
If your request is a bit different, please do not hesitate to share more information about it.
Betshy P. Sanchez Marrugo
Mayank Mayur I meant the ability to add a booking form to a website and have it schedule an appointment automatically.
Betshy P. Sanchez Marrugo: Hi, thank you for bringing this up, this would be a very helpful feature for all Titan users.
Our development team should be looking into the feasibility of integrating this feature in the Titan application.
Betshy P. Sanchez Marrugo
mariya thank you